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Trials of cops and hounds

The culture of dog breeding is increasingly penetrating the masses of hunters in the Yaroslavl region. The Danilovsky district trials of cops near the city of Danilova took place at the end of July in the meadows beyond the Pelenga River. Crakes were screaming restlessly in sweaty places. There were a lot of snipe and snipe, each dog worked on 4-5 birds. The tests involved 10 dogs, raised and bred by the owners themselves. Only the black and tan setter was led by A. F. Kholodkovskaya, who presented a pleasant surprise to her husband. Her Fight was freely passed for a diploma of the III degree.

Here comes the pioneer — the red-footed pointer Tom S. A. Smirnova. He went in search of a wide, regular shuttle, carrying his head high and making reasonable use of the jet of wind. He performs the instructions of the presenter clearly. Having worked three birds in a row, Tom impressed the judges with the range of his flair, passion and at the same time discipline. In the end, it is not uncommon for him to work clearly and far — by 52 steps — on the displaced hollow. As a result, the young dog was awarded a first degree diploma with 23 points for flair. Six dogs received diplomas of the III degree.

The Lyubim trials of the hounds took place at the end of September on the banks of the Obnora. Tsar Ivan the Terrible went hunting here, this was his favorite place, which is why the city was called his Favorite; in the Sokolinoye tract, where the trials took place, the terrible tsar rode with falcons.

13 very pedigreed dogs participated in the tests, there were a lot of animals, but the weather was not favorable for hunting: a fine frost began. But F. A. Nadezhdin’s song doesn’t care about anything: after five minutes, the musical voice of the silent vyzhlovka was heard. The Palm Tree of N. A. Sheinova was not inferior to her skill. Both of these dogs received diplomas and degrees at the tests with an exhibition rating of "excellent".

The mighty Russian survivor of five autumns is going to polaz, the horn of the worker of the M. S. Poroshima timber processing plant. Sensing the beast, he got on the hot trail and sounded the alarm. The horn without chipping worked for an hour and a half on a mature hare and on. by the order of the judges, he was tied up. He was awarded a diploma of the first degree.

Of the thirteen hounds, one passed for a diploma of the I degree, two for diplomas of the II degree and five dogs for diplomas of the III degree.

Danilovskoye and Lyubimskoye regional hunter societies hold exhibitions or broods and trials of cops annually. The chairmen of these societies A. F. Gusev and M. A. Mukhin managed to organize the dog breeders’ activity and lead the work on the development of blood dog breeding in their cities and districts.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer — says a wise folk saying. Dogs will have puppies soon, and now, on the threshold of spring, it’s time to think about which dog (we’ll only talk about cops here) to prefer, which breed will be better at hunting.

After lengthy discussions with his comrades and listening to the contradictory advice of various "experts", the young hunter often finds himself at a dead end: which one to choose? The experience of hunting and field judging of different breeds of cops has given me a lot of observations, which I want to share with novice amateur hunters.

The choice of breed depends on many conditions, including the saturation of the lands with feathered game, the aesthetic requirements for working as a cop and the ability to lead her on the hunt.

By the nature of their work, modern cops are divided into two main groups: insular (pointers, English and Irish setters) and continental cops, used abroad as "gebrauchshunds" ("utility dogs"), inaccurately called "universal" or "comprehensive" among us; of the dogs of this second group, we meet almost exclusively German short-, long- and wire-haired cops. The Scottish Setters represent, as it were, an intermediate link between both of these groups. 바카라사이트 신용/직불 카드, 전자 지갑, 은행 송금 및 암호화폐를 포함한 다양한 결제 옵션을 사용하여 쉽게 입금 및 출금할 수 있습니다. 모든 거래는 빠르고 안전하게 처리되며 이메일과 라이브 채팅을 통해 우수한 고객 지원을 제공합니다. 고객 지원팀은 연중무휴 24시간 대기하며 문의 사항이나 우려 사항에 대해 도움을 드립니다. 또한 웹사이트에 일반적인 질문과 문제를 다루는 자세한 FAQ 섹션이 있습니다.d45e1aad09c74fe7553080e6d9277aec

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