Tips for completing the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout. Passing Game #020
I think you may have trouble determining the next step. Head south and find a missing person poster on one of the nearby walls. Inspect the poster by pressing the action key. Once you’ve read the information, head east. You have to find the door leading to the recruitment station. There are a few more rarities waiting for you here. As soon as everything is safe, find the computer terminal of the Department of Internal Affairs employee. Select the first option from the list. Before leaving the station, don’t forget to collect items from the environment, including a mini-duke and medical supplies. You can also open a new safe if you have free time.
The next destination will be a place marked as a Turtle Dove Detention Camp. It is located near the northern edge of the map, northeast of the marshes. There are two ways to access the camp. I would not recommend trying a more obvious approach, because the camp is protected by many security systems. The easiest way to get to the morgue is to find the entrance to the sewer leading to the septic tunnels. Use my map to find this entrance. This is a small hatch located near the water and northeast of the Garbage Pile.
I strongly recommend that you leave the tunnels as soon as possible because you will be dealing with radiation. Eventually you will be able to find the stairs that will lead you to the morgue. Once you arrive at your destination, kill the nearby wild ghouls. Make sure it’s safe and find a place for medicines (stimpack, Med-X, etc.). To continue this quest, you must find a cache of items belonging to a man named Jan. Get the codes by selecting the second option from the list. Now you have to go back to Point Lookout, and it would be nice to use Septic Tunnels again.
Now you have to go to the area where the submarine is located, and the easiest way to do this is to quickly get to Calvert’s mansion. Go south from there and ignore the wrecked ship visible in the distance. The submarine itself can be found underwater, so you will have to swim to it. Fortunately, it won’t be too deep, so you don’t have to worry about the lack of oxygen. Inspect the top of the submarine and find the hatch leading to SSN-37-1A.
You should make your stay inside the submarine as short as possible, because you will expose yourself to radiation again. Be sure to check the contents of the small chest before focusing on your task. Start by going to the left. Take the Stealth Boy and use the nearest computer terminal. エキサイティングな冒険と忘れられない感動を待っている で最高のスロットとライブゲームをお楽しみください。クラシックスロットから最新のライブカジノゲームまで、さまざまなゲームを提供して、誰でも自分の好みに合ったゲームを見つけることができます。最近では、多くの人がオンラインカジノでレジャータイムを過ごすことを好みます。これにより、家やオフィスで便利に興奮とエンターテイメントを楽しむことができます。オンラインカジノはプレイヤーの間でますます人気を集めており、シンプルなスロットからライブディーラーと一緒に複雑な戦略ゲームまで、さまざまなゲームを提供することは当然です。今すぐサイトに参加して、最高のオンラインゲームで勝利を収め、豊富なボーナスとプロモーションをお楽しみください!
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